Meeting Controls
Meeting controls allow you to control various aspects of your meeting. These meeting controls include the following features. (Figure 1)
- You can Mute/Unmute your Microphone.
- The Start/Stop Video feature allows you to start or stop your video camera.
- You can use the Share Content or Camera button to share content from your laptop or mobile device.
- The Change View feature allows you to change your video display layout to one of the following options.
- Speaker lets you display the video of the active speaker.
- Thumbnail displays the video of the active speaker while showing all other attendees with thumbnails below the active speaker.
- Gallery also displays all attendees in a grid layout.
- The Camera Control button allows for you to change PTZ camera settings and presets, or you can switch to a different camera.
- If you are the host you will have a button that shows Manage Participants / Participants, which lets you view the meeting participants.
- Invite allows you to invite people to your call by contact, email, phone, or room system.
- You can record your meeting to the cloud by clicking “Start Recording”.
- The Settings feature allows you to access room settings but requires a room passcode.
- The Volume Slider allows you to adjust the volume of the room's speaker.
- If you are not the host you can tap your name in the participants list, then tap “Raise Hand” to indicate that you need something from the host. A Hand icon will display beside your name in the participants list.
Figure 1
- The host has access to the participants list controls by clicking on “Manage Participants” located in the meeting controls. (Figure 2)
- You can Start or Stop a participant’s video.
- You can Pin or Spotlight a participant’s video.
- You can allow a participant to record.
- You can select a participant and make them host or co host.
- You can assign a participant to type closed caption.
- You can put a participant on hold.
- You can remove a participant from a meeting.
- You may click “Mute All” to mute all attendees. Conversely, the Unmute All feature unmutes all attendees.
- You can click on “More” for these options:
- If you choose Lock Meeting other participants cannot join the meeting in progress.
- If you click on Mute Participants on Entry all participants will be muted as they join the meeting.
- If you use the Show/Hide Non-video Participants feature to choose to show or hide a participant's name or profile picture.
- The Show/Hide Self View will show or hide your video feed.
Figure 2
Additional Support
Adapted from Zoom