Combining the Action Items feature with Comments can be a powerful way to harness asynchronous collaboration at iDesign. This feature gives you the ability to assign a specific task to a colleague with the file (docs, sheets, slides) you are using. Using this feature will generate an automatic email notification prompting the assignee to complete the assigned task.

Note: Google Drive uses AI to intelligently suggest an action item you can assign to a specific user. This feature is especially seen when documenting meeting notes.


Highlight a helpful and descriptive section of the document your action item will relate to and select the comment icon to the right.

Tag a Team Member

Begin your comment with the @ symbol and begin typing the person's name you will assign the task to and leave a clear description of the action you would like them to complete.


Tick the "Assign to" box and select Comment when you are ready to send the notification.

To view more tips relating to comments visit the Google support page on action items.