The default sheet view you will encounter in Smartsheets is the Grid view, but did you know that you can adjust the sheet to other views that can present the same information in different ways?

To change your view, at the top of your sheet on the left, you can adjust the sheet to gantt view, card view, or calendar view. This article will review the different view types and provide you with additional resources for a deeper dive. 

Gantt View

Gantt charts are a staple in traditional waterfall project management but can be used anytime you want a visual representation of your schedule and the relationships between tasks.

In order to use Gantt View, you must have at least 2 date columns in your sheet: a Start date and and End date.

For a detailed description on the Gantt View, review the following Smartsheet help guide: Basic Gantt View. You can also view the video below to learn more.

Card View

Card View helps you see, share, and act on projects with drag-and-drop cards so you can more easily prioritize and organize work. Card View comes out of agile project management methodology, but it can provide any team with a more visual way to communicate and collaborate in Smartsheet.

Since Card View is about prioritization and organization, it is driven by the drop-down list, symbol, and contact list column types that offer multiple selections. These different selection options create the lanes in which to drop your cards.

For a detailed description on Card View, review the following Smartsheet help guide: Card View. You can also view the video below to learn more.

Calendar View

Calendar View provides an interactive and easily customizable view of your work on a calendar. Smartsheet Calendar View also allows to publish or overlay on Google calendar or an iCal in Outlook or Apple calendars.

In order to create a Calendar, you must have at least 1 date column and can get more comprehensive when including both a Start date and an End date for each task.

For a detailed description on the Gantt View, review the following Smartsheet help guide: Calendar View. You can also view the video below to learn more.