- Getting Started in Tick
- Time Entry Best Practices
- Receiving Payments
- Tick Projects by Partner
- Requesting a Tick project
Tick is used on a daily basis across all iDesign LX roles. The article below covers how we use Tick at iDesign, how to request Tick projects and where to find the available list of Tick projects to request for a partner.
Getting Started in Tick
In lieu of invoicing iDesign, you need only to record the time you work on iDesign projects in Tick. This, in turn, gets you paid, which I think we can all agree is a good thing.
Once you have been added, you will receive an email welcoming you to your iDesign Tick account and a temporary password. Log-in with your temporary password and then set up your secure password. At this juncture, feel free to also download the Tick Time Tracking app (available for both iOS and Android devices).
Time Entry Best Practices
- Remember to enter time within the relevant Tick project.
- Enter time regularly. Minimally on a weekly basis, but preferably on a daily basis.
- Make liberal use of the note function. This provides detailed records about what you have been working on.
- You may want to make use of Tick's live time tracking feature. Before you begin a work session, select the appropriate task and then click on the stopwatch icon next to "Enter Time" (see above). Taking a break but not done with this project task? Hit the red button to pause the time. When done, hit the "Enter Time" button.
Receiving Payments
We process invoices twice a month, typically a few days before the 15th and at the end of each month. You will receive a reminder email ahead of time, asking you to update your hours and letting you know when to expect funds in your account (typically within 48 hrs of closeout). Also, when hours are run in Tick, the associated entries are unlocked means unpaid and locked means paid.
iDesign pays employees and contractors exclusively through direct deposit/ACH. You should already have received an ACH form, which must be returned before you can be paid. Digital copies (including the voided check) are acceptable and encouraged.
Tick Projects by Partner
Once your Director or Lead has shared with you the name of the project and/or course you will be working on, you are ready to find the Tick project name.
- Navigate to the Partner Shared Drive or Folder that has been shared with you. If you do not have access to the partner folder, please reach out to your PM.
- In this shared drive, navigate to the Internal iDesign folder.
- Open the spreadsheet that has the following naming convention: Partner Name Tick
- Select the second tab labeled Tick Projects Add and find the Tick project name associated with the course you have been assigned to.
Requesting a Tick project
Once you have been assigned to a partner project and have identified the specific Tick project to request, you are ready to make a Tick request.
- In Slack, navigate to the #tick-requests channel. If you have not already been added to the channel, please join the channel first.
- Select the Attachments & Shortcuts button.
- From this menu, select Tick Access Request from the Workflows section.
- Fill out the form and select Submit.